Wednesday, July 25, 2012

The Zara theory

House of Art shirt, Zara skirt, Zara shoes, Zara bag, Claudia's accessories

Inditex brand Zara is known across the globe as a provider of (usually) quality high-street market clothes, shoes and accessories but that recognition also brings the problem of oversaturation. In clearer terms, going to a party in a Zara dress means taking the risk of having another person or ten wearing the same dress. 
But even so, the store is still a nice provider of basics, meaning that if I had to choose one store and dress in its clothes almost from head to toe, Zara would definitely be considered. 
Here we tried to assemble a simple outfit but keep that chic note of a quality basic item by using shape and bold accents to tie the outfit's different pieces together. 

The skirt is Zara, a high-waisted, loose midi with a flowy fabric and a flattering shape for a lot of figures. It makes us think of summer and despite it's conservative look, the bold ink blue color can balance the outdated look. 

While the shirt isn't Zara but an old House of Art, it's difficult to find a closet missing a white button down shirt. This one has an interesting fabric, somewhat shiny but very comfortable and that matches the vintage look of the outfit. 

The shoes and the bag are the Zara versions of some famous style staples, mainly reminding us of Pierre Hardy's sandals and Hermes' Birking bag but don't be afraid that they're exact copies. Both items keep the subject of a high end product, but Zara has its own ideas and manages to use the simple shape in an original way through color and details.

Bisous, bisous

Tartine et Moi


              Coconotkarl va prezinta Tartine et Moi, unul dintre cele mai frumoase restaurante (sau bistro elvetian daca preferati) unde pana acum nu am reusit sa mancam ceva ce nu ne-a placut (poate salata de cartofi care nu ii place Cristinei in general, dar si aceea era gustoasa...pentru o salata de cartofi vreau sa zic).
              Si chiar daca nu ne-ar placea mancarea, tot am veni la Tartine et Moi, fie si numai pentru compania vesela a proprietarilor, Cristi (adica Nenea-asa i-am spus cam de cand am intrat prima data si asa continuam sa-i spunem ) si Martin (Elvetianul), oricand gata sa gateasca ceva simplu, dar impresionant sau doar sa te intrebe ce mai faci, pe deasupra unei cafele cu un macaron gratis.

P.S. Puteti sa cautati Tartine et Moi si pe Facebook 

Coconotkarl is pleased to present you Tartine et Moi, one of Pitesti's best restaurants ( or swiss bistro if you prefer).
Their food is amazing, their music enchanting, but the best thing about Tartine&Moi is the company you can find there. Cristi and Martin, the owners, are always ready for guests, ready to make you feel like home, kindly smiling at you while preparing your nice cup of coffee.
Whenever you want to find a sense of intimacy drop by Tartine&Moi and indulge yourself with their many treats!

P.S Check this out if you want more details: 

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Jeffrey Campell Lita
                Jeffrey Campbell hit it big when he released a shoe named Lita. I refuse to call it “little” because…look at the picture. That shoe is not little, size-wise or personality-wise. While it might appear as an ordinary boot with a chunky heel from its description, the Lita has that it-factor that makes a shoe sell-out within days of restocking. Appearing on many famous fashion blogs didn’t hurt it either. At a price that is by far more affordable than many designer shoes, the Lita has quite a few qualities of a big name company shoe.
                As a owner myself, I admit to being surprised at the quality of the manufacturing and the leather used (the pair I own is black, similar to the one in the picture), but also at the fact that even though they had a large platform, they didn’t feel like it, not only concerning the weight, but the overall feeling of the shoe. What I like most is that the Lita manages to find somewhat of a balance between a “loud” shoe, the approximately 2.5 inch platform isn’t really what I’d call quiet, but the simple black leather reminds of a classic, quality shoe. But if simple is not really what you want, you can find the Lita in colors ranging from macrame to something like dog tapestry.
As far as comfort is concerned, I don’t think people buy 5 inch heels and expect a great deal of it, but the Lita surprised me here as well. I expected them to be wearable, but I can really say that serious problems only appear after something like a day of shopping, to put it in practical terms.

For those living in Romania, you can find the Lita (and other Jeffrey Campbell shoes) at the Chantal store in Bucharest or use their address to order on line. I went to Bucharest when I bought my pair, and even though they didn’t have it at first in my size (which was my usual 36 nothing special there) they were very nice (and they didn’t mind that I was almost shaking with excitement and allowed me to try out everything I wanted) and I was able to purchase my pair when it was restocked. 

Thursday, July 19, 2012

To begin with


This is what we'd call "a blog of memories", our blog. So who are we? 
It's hard to describe a person in just a few words, but we'll try. 
We've been friends for quite a while and even though we see the world in different colours there are some things that kept us together, things that didn't just fade with fashion. We saw pointed shoes, boot-cut jeans and emo hairstyles come and go, but we kept to the classics and our friendship did the same. 
One of us is Cristina, the other Claudia and we're both "made in România", but our hopes go far beyond the east-european borders.
Through this blog, we'd like to prove and disprove some of the rumors about our country, be it fashion or culture-related.

So if you've found this blog, be ready, expect anything from fashion to travel to cooking, but mostly fashion.

Here are some things we like...

Bisous, bisous